The eclipse is over.
We hope you enjoyed it!
está chegando à
América do Norte!

É o Grande Eclipse da América do Norte!
...e queremos que todos vejam!
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Watching – Page 2 – Eclipse 2024 blog

Eclipse Blog

The world is coming to North America to see an eclipse!

Can I use a telescope to watch the eclipse?

ONLY if you have a special solar filter that fits over the end of the scope (not at the eyepiece!), AND you know how to use it! Those are about $200 each, so you should know whether you have one or not! Ditto for binoculars - if you bring them, you can ONLY use them during the brief period of totality. You CANNOT look directly at the Sun in any...

Can’t I just watch the eclipse on TV?

You sure can - the same way you can watch a wonderful meal being eaten on TV, a live shot of a huge pile of hundred-dollar bills on TV, or a guy having a great date with a wonderful woman - on TV. It's not the same as being there by a long shot! Most eclipse pictures: Nice, but not really the same as being there! You cannot rely on...

Why does the eclipse go from West to East across the continent?

  The Sun and Moon both appear to "rise" in the east, and "set" in the west.  But as you can see in our video of the Moon's shadow sweeping across the USA for the 2017 eclipse, you see that the shadow plainly traveled from west to east across the country! This is a very good question, because it shows how solar eclipses take us out of our normal experience....

How do I look at the Sun without going blind?

This is a biggie. You CANNOT look at the Sun while ANY PART of its bright disk is still visible. The moon does cover quite a bit of it during the partial phases leading up to totality, but you HAVE to use special solar viewing glasses (also called "eclipse glasses") to look at it during the partial phases. You MUST use these glasses to look at the sun during this...

How do I actually USE the eclipse glasses?

Here is the straight scoop on what the glasses actually do. You cannot look directly at the Sun, because even if it is covered up 99.9%, you will blind yourself due to the harmful UV rays it puts out. This is true whether or not an eclipse is happening. Normally, we don’t look at the Sun, because there’s no reason to, and because we’re conditioned not to – it’s too...

What if it’s cloudy on eclipse day?

Eclipse chasers don't like to use the C-word, but they do have to consider the possibility, of course. If it's cloudy, you won't see what you will see if it's clear - simple as that. You can check the eclipse weather on our site, of course. For those in the path: If the sky is completely overcast, it will get VERY dark - pitch black, in fact, to the point...

Tell me the best place to watch the eclipse from!

Easy!  Someplace in the path of totality, where the weather is clear on eclipse day! (How's that for committing to an answer?!) But seriously, beyond that general recommendation, can't tell you where you should watch the eclipse from - there are just too many variables in play: Where can you find lodging? What places might you want to visit in conjunction with the eclipse?  [pun intended!] What is your...

Seriously – why all the excitement over an eclipse?

If I have to explain, you wouldn't understand. If you already understand, nothing I can say will matter. It's like having kids, or riding a Harley, or being in love. It just is - and you just have to believe. The author of this site has personally seen 13 total solar eclipses, and for the majority of them, he was traveling with at least one individual who had never before...

I have a department-store telescope with a “solar filter” – can I use that to look at the Sun?

NO!   NO!   NO! These cheap "filters" are manufactured and marketed as being able to be inserted into the eyepiece.  That means that by the time the Sun's dangerous rays get to the filter, they have been magnified by your telescope, and are being focused directly on that filter.  The cheap glass cannot take all that thermal energy, and it WILL crack!  If you are looking through the scope when...

Can I wear eclipse glasses over my regular eyeglasses?

Yes, you can certainly put them over regular eyeglasses, as I myself do! The reality is that these "eclipse glasses" are really solar filters, and are designed to be used for only a brief time, as you glance at the partial phases to check on the progress of the eclipse - and be able to actually participate in the excitement as the partial phase grows - toward totality! People will...