We hope you enjoyed it!
is coming to
North America!
...and we want everyone to see it!
with all the rules and protocols for eye safety when observing any solar phenomenon.
When is the next eclipse in North America? Monday, April 8, 2024 is the big date, and eclipse2024.org is dedicated to providing you with all the information you need to watch the 2024 eclipse safely!
On eclipse2024.org, you'll find detailed eclipse timings, eclipse viewing information for every city in North America, eclipse resources for everyone to use, and the fantastic eclipse2024.org eclipse simulator to show you exactly what the eclipse will look like from any location!
We also have educational information on eclipses (from very simple all the way to VERY technical!), as well as all-important eclipse eye safety information and eclipse viewing instructions! It's all about bringing you ALL the eclipse planning information you need, so you can watch the 2024 total solar eclipse safely on April 8, 2024!
To find the content you want, simply follow the icons below, or the menu above!