The eclipse is over.
We hope you enjoyed it!
viene a
América del Norte!

¡Es el Gran Eclipse Norteamericano!
...¡Y queremos que todos lo vean!
Su uso de este sitio depende de la comprensión y el acuerdo que usted ha leído este enlace, usted está de acuerdo con su contenido, y deberá cumplir con todas las reglas del sentido común y bien establecido protocolos de seguridad ocular al observar cualquier fenómeno solar.
Últimas Noticias:
Totality – Eclipse 2024 blog

Eclipse Blog

The world is coming to North America to see an eclipse!

Will I be able to get into a viewing area?

Rules will be set up by each community's security officials and governments, and eclipse2024.org will host a community page dedicated to the plans each individual community is making. If you want to get into an official viewing area, and plan ahead, you should be able to. So long as you are in the path of totality, and you have good weather, you will be able to see and experience totality.

Should I take my kids out of school to see the total eclipse?

Many schools are going to be in session on April 8, and if your kid goes to one that is NOT in the path, you might want to think about taking them out of school to see totality. Not sure that you want to do that?  We understand.  But consider this personal message, from the webmaster of eclipse2024.org: I am not a teacher, though I hold a High School Math...

What will the eclipse be like in (any location not in the path)?

We had a question about where the best viewing location would be in Hawaii.  But Hawaii is not in the path of totality, so from there one will only see a partial eclipse.  This means they have to use eye protection for the whole eclipse.  For the partial eclipse in Hawaii, pretty much anywhere is as good as anyplace else, as long as the weather is good. And that goes...