We had a question about where the best viewing location would be in Hawaii. But Hawaii is not in the path of totality, so from there one will only see a partial eclipse. This means they have to use eye protection for the whole eclipse. For the partial eclipse in Hawaii, pretty much anywhere is as good as anyplace else, as long as the weather is good.
And that goes for anyplace else that’s not in the path. You have to use eye protection, and have good weather, but beyond that, it would be like saying “Where’s the best place I can go to see the Moon? Well, anywhere… IF you’re not going to be in the path of totality!
If you have only a partial eclipse, it will be interesting to be sure – and lots of people outside the path in 2017 had a great time! – but it’s not the same as totality. The difference is like… night and day!
We recommend everyone get to the path, and see what totality is all about!