Dedicated to the safe observation of the
The United States saw a Total Solar Eclipse!
Your use of this site is contingent on your understanding and agreement that you have read this link, you agree with its contents, and you will comply with all the rules of common sense and well established protocols for eye safety when observing any solar phenomenon.
"...And we'll see YOU... in the shadow!!"

Did you order glasses from us? Are you worried about the big recall?
How do you know the glasses you got from us were safe to use? is on the American Astronomical Society's approved vendor list for eclipse glasses!

Also, please read the blog post we wrote about the safety of glasses ordered from!

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(By clicking on any of the links on this page, you agree to be bound to the Terms and Conditions for use of the eclipse glasses)

English Solar Viewer Instructions


The following pages (as well as the instructions printed on the glasses) make up the complete set of instructions you need to follow, in order to use's eclipse glasses:

Direct link to the
Instruction sheet PDF
(Include this sheet, or a link to it, with
any glasses you provide to others)

Thanks for your commitment to view the eclipse safely!

This English version of the Instructions is to be considered the final authority in the event of any variances in meaning or interpretation of any of the translations.

(Though we have prepared some Instructions in other languages for your convenience, as a guide to safely
and correctly using an approved Solar Viewer to observe the partial phases of the eclipse.)

Get the English Instructions for viewing a total eclipse!

Please be certain to read the Instructions in their entirety!
You MUST understand and follow all the Instructions in order to safely view the eclipse.

Go to the Translations
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