Dedicated to the safe observation of the
The United States saw a Total Solar Eclipse!
Your use of this site is contingent on your understanding and agreement that you have read this link, you agree with its contents, and you will comply with all the rules of common sense and well established protocols for eye safety when observing any solar phenomenon.
"...And we'll see YOU... in the shadow!!"

Did you order glasses from us? Are you worried about the big recall?
How do you know the glasses you got from us were safe to use? is on the American Astronomical Society's approved vendor list for eclipse glasses!

Also, please read the blog post we wrote about the safety of glasses ordered from!

Latest News

Help us out!!'s goal for eclipse day is for everyone to watch the eclipse - simple as that! We plan to inform everyone -- school administrators, mayors, governors, radio and TV stations, members of Congress, DOT officials, local police agencies, immigration officials, and anyone else we can think of -- about the nature of this event, and assist in any way possible with planning, logistics, communications, etc., to make this a fun, enjoyable, and safe event for everyone.

There will be a lot of effort involved on the local level to pull this off, and so, we'd like for anyone who feels they can help - through the volunteering of their time and talents - to contact us. Your help will be greatly appreciated!

Examples of things you can do to help include letter-writing, serving as a local information liaison, web site design and maintenance, webcam/photo/video/webcast expertise, site scouting... The list is endless! Even if all you do is share the information you find here with someone else, your help will be vital in ensuring that everyone has a safe and fun three-day eclipse weekend! (That's right - the party starts Friday night, and continues straight through to Eclipse Monday!)

So where are we going to be? That's not figured out quite yet. Unlike the upcoming eclipse of 2024, this one doesn't touch our home state - so we can go anywhere we want! Here are some very good choices:

The beach in Oregon or South Carolina
Grand Teton National Park (or anywhere in Wyoming along the path!)
Nebraska (with its GREAT weather prospects!)
Land Between the Lakes, KY
Downtown Nashville, TN
Any of the FIVE state capitals in the path
Smoky Mountains Nat'l. Park (though watch the weather!!)
The campus of BYU - Idaho (in Rexburg)
Anywhere in the path of totality!

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