Dedicated to the safe observation of the
The United States saw a Total Solar Eclipse!
Your use of this site is contingent on your understanding and agreement that you have read this link, you agree with its contents, and you will comply with all the rules of common sense and well established protocols for eye safety when observing any solar phenomenon.
"...And we'll see YOU... in the shadow!!"

Did you order glasses from us? Are you worried about the big recall?
How do you know the glasses you got from us were safe to use? is on the American Astronomical Society's approved vendor list for eclipse glasses!

Also, please read the blog post we wrote about the safety of glasses ordered from!

Latest News

Links about the 2017 total eclipse!

Lots of GREAT links for you, with more information about the eclipse!

2017 Eclipse Communities

Community and institutional links regarding the 2017 eclipse

The best eclipse page! ...from Mr. Eclipse himself, Fred Espenak!

Eclipse2017 Resource Guide

A great site with lots of eclipse information, published by the prestigious Astronomical Society of the Pacific!

Xavier Jubier's 2017 Eclipse Interactive Map

Xavier Jubier's Google map - Click on your location to get the local circumstances of the eclipse! (An information page will open first)

American Astronomical Society

A great gateway site by one of America's premier Astronomy organizations, with lots of fantastic information!

Great American Eclipse

An amazing site, dedicated to the 2017 eclipse, by the world's best maker of eclipse maps - Michael Zeiler!

25 facts to know about the eclipse

Astronomy Magazine's great FAQ page about the eclipse!

Americans will see the 2017 eclipse!

Sky & Telescope Magazine's 2017 eclipse page. Also, check out their great guide to the 2017 total solar eclipse

The World's BEST eclipse photography!

Miloslav Druckmüller's eclipse photography is as close as you'll get to what totality REALLY looks like!


NASA's official 2017 eclipse web site


USNO's official eclipse web site

AAS 2017 eclipse page

The American Astronomical Society's 2017 eclipse outreach page

Through the Eyes of NASA

Another great site about the 2017 eclipse, from NASA!

A great site to help you understand how to travel to eclipses, and quite a bit more!
(Make sure to see their local circumstances calculator for the 2017 eclipse!!)


Wikipedia article on the 2017 eclipse

Being in the shadow

A site discussing the psychology of eclipses, presented by Dr. Kate Russo, and filled with lots of great information!


Hermit eclipse's page about the 2017 eclipse


A great eclipse magazine by veteran eclipse chaser Larry Stevens

More Eclipse Stuff (!!) from Mr. Eclipse (Fred Espenak) - a great site, with all the info you need!

Eclipses 2017 and 2024

Overlap of the paths of totality for Eclipse 2017 and Eclipse 2024

Meade's Coronado line of Solar telescopes

Great products from one of the world's leading telescope manufacturers! These affordable scopes are ready to go for SAFE, direct solar viewing!

Read about eclipses on Dan McGlaun's own site (including stories of his travels to see them!)

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