Eclipse Books
Lots of great books have been written about solar eclipses.
Here are links to our favorites from 2017, with new ones being added for 2024! is pleased to provide links to all the best books we've found out there, and
please be aware - we receive NO COMMISSION from the authors on any sales!
It's truly all about giving YOU access to the BEST information available!
(Have YOU written a book about eclipses? Let us know about it, and maybe we’ll include it here!) is not responsible for the content of the external works offered on this page,
and no affiliation exists between and any of the authors or organizations whose works are mentioned.

Atlas of Solar Eclipses - 2020 to 2045
A masterful work, showing detailed maps and information for every solar eclipse through 2045! Written by Michael Bakich (of Astronomy Magazine), with maps by world-reknowed eclipse mapmaker Michael Zeiler. Calculations performed by eclipse expert Xavier Jubier. Highly recommended by Fred Espenak (of NASA). This book should be in every serious eclipse chaser's library!

Peterson Field Guide to the Stars and Planets - 2021 printing
The timeless and indispensable guide for all Astronomy enthusiasts, with a large section devoted to the 2024 eclipse!

Go See The Eclipse...
...and Take a Kid with You! It's one of the best gifts you'll ever give them! -by leading astronomy educator Chap Percival

COSMOS: The Art and Science of the Universe
This beautiful book showcases the superstars of the firmament and the universe beyond in 260 sumptuous illustrations.

The Cosmos: Astronomy in the New Millennium
Gives you the fundamentals of astronomical knowledge that have been built up over decades, with an expanded discussion of the incredible advances that are now taking place.

The Sun
Answers so many questions about the most fascinating object humans have ever adored - literally the difference between day and night!

Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 Aug 21
A definitive guide to the 2017 eclipse, by Fred Espenak and Jay Anderson! (Also available in a Black and White version)

Road Atlas of the 2017 Total Eclipse
Lots of great maps of the path, to help you with planning - or even with relocating on Eclipse Day!

Total Eclipse or Bust! A Family Road Trip
A story about a family who takes off in search of a total eclipse - one of the BEST ways to experience this beautiful phenomenon!

See the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017!
A great guide book, with tons of the best, world-class, BEAUTIFUL eclipse maps by leading eclipse expert Michael Zeiler! Includes eclipse glasses! (And also available as an e-book!)

Atlas of Central Solar Eclipses in the USA
Another great eclipse guide by Mr. Eclipse himself - Fred Espenak! (Also available in a Black & White version!)

American Eclipse, by David Baron
This is an amazing read! The encyclopedic story of an 1878 eclipse viewing expedition! Not to be missed!

Thousand Year Canon of Solar Eclipses: 1501 - 2500
A great eclipse guide, for those planning their eclipse activities beyond 2017! (Also available in a Black & White version!)

Your Guide to the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
A great guide by Senior Editor of Astronomy Magazine, Michael Bakich!

How to Photograph the Solar Eclipse
A great guide to eclipse photography, written by veteran eclipser Alan Dyer

Atlas of the Great American Eclipse
A definitive collection of wonderful 2017 eclipse maps by leading cartographer Michael Zeiler! Highly recommended!

WONDERFUL 2017 eclipse posters by Dr. Tyler Nordgren
A collection of the most amazing posters which capture the spirit of this great American eclipse! The above is our ABSOLUTE favorite, but check out all of Dr. Nordgren's great works, which truly capture the spirit of Americana through each of his posters celebrating the 2017 total eclipse!

Total Addiction, by Dr. Kate Russo
This unique book by an eclipse chasing psychologist delves deeply into the eclipse experience, and explains the intense and life-long motivation that some people have after seeing their first total solar eclipse.

A wonderful guide to the two great American eclipses of 2017 and 2024, from "Mr. Eclipse" himself - Fred Espenak!

GENNY SEES the eclipse
Genny and her friends watch the eclipse safely in Genesee County, NY. (Get it? "Genny sees"...!) It's a great kids' book, and all proceeds benefit animal rescues in Genesee County! That's a GREAT CAUSE!

The Big Eclipse, by Nancy Coffelt
A captivating, astronomically accurate, fun-filled adventure which will educate kids (and adults) in a FUN way! Highly recommended!

The Big Eclipse Activity Book
The perfect companion to The Big Eclipse, this fun and educational activity book will guide budding eclipse enthusiasts toward an understanding of the wonderful phenomenon. Get it for the young astronomer in YOUR life!

Eclipses Illustrated - book 1
An amazing, easy to understand and ACCURATE guide to eclipses. Highly recommended!

Eclipses Illustrated - book 2
The second book in Jay's fantastic collection! Sure to entertain and educate - also highly recommended!

Eclipse Nuts
A great collection of educational, eclipse-related cartoons by leading eclipse chaser Bill Kramer!

Getting a Feel for Eclipses
Sponsored by NASA, this tactile book has been produced so that the visually-impaired can understand and appreciate eclipses. This book is in very short supply, and is only currently available by emailing the project sponsors David Hurd or Cassandra Runyon.

Eclipse: History. Science. Awe. (3rd ed.)
A great NEW edition of this eclipse classic, to educate, enlighten, and inspire! Tons of GREAT eclipse information from eclipse expert Bryan Brewer!!

"Generation Eclipse" cartoons!
A great collection of educational, eclipse-related cartoons by leading eclipse chaser Jay Ryan!

Sun Moon Earth
A fascinating story of eclipses from Dr. Tyler Nordgren, taking us from historical accounts right through the present day. An amazing read!

Being in the Shadow
A remarkable set of first-time eclipse experiences, gathered by noted psychologist and eclipse chaser Dr. Kate Russo. The excitement is infectious, and the stories will plant the eclipse bug in your heart for sure!!

Total Solar Eclipse 2017
A great introduction to the 2017 eclipse, by veteran eclipse chaser, educator and entrepreneur Marc Nussbaum!

Eclipse Miracle
A wonderful book by Sand Sheff, with great scientific and spiritual content for all ages and backgrounds (with the [very] occasional Bible verse being quoted alongside academic references). The message is powerful, the story is great, the science is 100% accurate, and the author has done a masterful job of mixing the scientific facts with the wonderment and special nature of total eclipses. The book is educational, enlightening, and uplifting in a way that is difficult to explain to someone who sees only the mathematics of the event. HIGHLY recommended!

ECLIPSE! Journeys to the dark side of the Moon
Personal stories of eclipse travel are amazing and spellbinding! Noted teacher and author Frank Close treats us to another GREAT collection of these tales, intermingled with lots of eclipse science and history!